Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Ev Party

As I write this, the United States Government is shut down. No compromise is in sight.  The Dow had lost 300 points this week alone. The National Parks and cancer clinical trials at the National Institute of Health are shut down. WWII Veterans in their 90s have  had to storm the barricades of their own Memorial much like they stormed the beaches of Normandy almost 70 years ago.  This is disgraceful. The bastion of Democracy and the Best Hope for Freedom, Liberty and Upward Mobility is reduced to partisan bickering and dramatic posturing.  Horrible!

So I am proposing we ditch these bozos and form a new party based on common sense.  Here are the major tenets of Party Ev:

1. Do nothing that will knowingly and deliberately harm citizens of the U.S.A. Like shutting down the government or not raising the debt ceiling.
2. Have a single payer health system funded by taxes.  Like Canada's. Basic health care is a human right.
3. Take no military action unless American citizens or our closest allies are directly threatened by other nations' military actions. Then go in with everything we've got and end it quickly.
4. Stay out of any judgements on social issues: gay marriage, abortion, prayer in schools, etc.  Not the government's business.
5. Welfare and food stamps only for people whose limitations prohibit them from any kind of gainful employment.
6. Protect our second amendment but hey, you don't have to make it super easy to put guns on the street.  Enforce stringent background checks.

Anyone want to join Party Ev?


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