Thursday, April 9, 2020

Virtual Seder

Well, last night was a first, a virtual Seder with the Rabbi and with other members of the congregation.  It left a bit to be desired but was still beautiful.  Some things do not change, like the spilled wine on the beautiful matzo cover a friend made for me in 2012.  Luckily "Wine Out" did the trick.

As always, none of my dishes managed to be at the right temperature at the right time.  But our homemade soup and chopped liver were delicious.  Best of all the wine (only had one cup not four) made everything, even the many computer snafus, go down easier.

Chag Pesach Sameach!

Monday, April 6, 2020

A Different Kind of Diary

This is my new daily burden/chore/compulsion - checking the toll the Coronavirus has placed on my country and the world.  The biggest scary number is of course in red, New Deaths. As of last night some folks think we (the states and the world) may be stabilizing, that is, not getting worse. 

Because I can't find day-over-day totals, I am screen printing and saving every day's final totals. 

And praying of course.

Friday, April 3, 2020

On This Day in History

Just so I NEVER forget..... April 3, 2020
Gas price a mile from home was $1.73.
Self-distancing measures on the rise.
Tape on the floors at grocery stores and others to help distance shoppers (6ft) from each other.
Limited number of people inside stores, therefore, lineups outside the store doors.
Non-essential stores and businesses mandated closed.
Parks, trails, entire cities locked up.
Entire sports seasons cancelled.
Concerts, tours, festivals, entertainment events - cancelled.
Weddings, family celebrations, holiday gatherings - cancelled.
Churches and temples are closed.
No gatherings of 50 or more, then 20 or more, now 10 or less.
Don't socialize with anyone outside of your home.
Children's outdoor play parks are closed. Schools are online.
We are to distance from each other.
Shortage of masks, gowns, gloves for our front-line workers.
Shortage of ventilators for the critically ill.
Panic buying sets in and we have no toilet paper, no disinfecting supplies, no paper towel no laundry soap, no hand sanitizer.
Shelves are bare.
Manufacturers, distilleries and other businesses switch their lines to help make visors, masks, hand sanitizer and PPE.
Government closes the border to all non-essential travel.
Fines are established for breaking the rules.
Stadiums and recreation facilities open up for the overflow of Covid-19 patients.
Press conferences daily from the President. Daily updates on new cases, recoveries, and deaths.
Government incentives to stay home.
Barely anyone on the roads.
People wearing masks and gloves outside.
Essential service workers are terrified to go to work.
Medical field workers are afraid to go home to their families.
This is the Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic, declared March 11th, 2020. One day I will see this post and remember that life is precious and not to take the things I dearly love for granted. We have so much! I'm thankful and grateful.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

My Coronavirus Plan

It's a scary time, even for those who have seen lots of other scary times in our lives.  This time seems like a different kind of scary, mainly I think because everyone is so affected, if not physically (hopefully), at least financially and "lifestyle" wise.

Every day I wake up and check that hubby and me are still 1) not feverish 2) not coughing and 3) breathing normally.  I take my vitamins, especially tons of vitamin C, along with zinc and silver spray.  I eat eggs everyday for protein and other good stuff.  We stay inside except for trips to the grocery and mailbox.  As of yesterday, we started wearing masks (from hubby's woodworking projects) and latex gloves to the store. 

Home activities: cleaning with alcohol based homemade cleaners, watching the news (mostly bad), Trump's Coronavirus task force briefings, Netflix and Amazon Prime.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020


When it comes to Big Decisions, I defer to this adage. Like a recent decision to rebalance our finances, made not only because of the scary unknown that is the Coronavirus Pandemic, but also because we are getting older and have a shorter window to make up losses.

We have ridden the stock market's ups and downs for 35 years.  Hubby says we are ahead of where we'd be had we only invested in CD's but I am not so sure.  Whatever we may have gained in actual dollars, I weigh against the worry and daily monitoring of a fickle market. I am definitely a "sure thing" kind of girl.

I welcome the new peace in my life, no matter how expensive it may be.