Thursday, March 21, 2013


I can't decide if this kid is Super-Cool or screwed-for-life.  I am leaning toward the latter. Bad enough he is named for a comic book character, hahaha.

I have seen a lot of Jew-Goy marriages and  I can't think of many that produced progeny who internalized and lived their Jewishness into adulthood and taught their Jewish heritage to the third generation. 

It is my personal belief that being Jewish is more than a religion to which one can convert or partially inherit.  Whether you practice the rituals or attend synagogue or keep kosher or not, being Jewish is something in your DNA.  It means you were there with our ancestors throughout pogroms and persecution and torture and attempts at annihilation. And will be again if you must.   

I suspect Jorel will wander away from his Jewishness even though he is embracing (sort of) the rite of passage for young Jewish men. Why?  Because he said it himself in the first lines of his video: "I'm HALF a Jew".

Sorry Jorel, you need to make up your mind.  You're either all-in or you're out.  

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