Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Harry Stamps

Of course I never actually met Harry Stamps.  He passed away a few days ago and his daughter wrote this hysterical obituary which I'm sure adequately describes the dear man to a "T".  How warm and wonderful to sum up one's life with humor!  It captures the true essence of the person and not just a boring list of accomplishments and progeny.  In my case such a list would be very very meager so I'm opting for a similar farcical take on my own life when the time comes (waaaay in the future of course).

So how do I want to be remembered?  For my love of Popeyes fried chicken, Chicago hot dogs and my closet full of thrift shop finds?  For my fearless tackling of any yucky task that needed doing?  For the second oven in my home that was hauled away, never used, not even once, when I replaced all the appliances?  For my eclectic taste in reading material and my annoying habit of playing devil's advocate on all political issues? For my devotion to obliterating dirty grout on my hands and knees? For my irrational love of TV shows that are invariably cancelled after a few episodes and movies that are critically panned?  Perhaps folks will remember that I loved bubble baths and cruising and that I eschewed all outdoor activities like camping, running or team sports. Hahaha!

RIP Harry Stamps. You sounded like my kind of guy...


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