Saturday, March 2, 2013

Hey Tomorrow

I guess every day is a mixture of small triumphs, happy things and hopefully tiny disappointments.  Yesterday was no exception:

The Good News
* I'm looking forward to a weekend outing with Barb and Morry
* My friend Anne whom I have not seen in a loooong time wants to go to lunch 
* I finally finished the latest Jonathan Kellerman best seller which was approximately 3X longer than it should have been
* The "Sequester" AKA Federal budget cuts kicked in.  Does anyone really believe these relatively tiny cuts will cripple our economy and send us into a third world status?
Danny (on the left) and his band
* I made an appointment to get temporary eyelash extensions (first time!) so I'll look pretty next week in Chicago
*The stock market hit a new five year high
* I had a lovely lunch at the Harvest Cafe (delicious homemade chicken soup)
* Dinner was delivered from Domino's

The Bad News
* It was too nasty out to go to the Catholic Church's Carnival and see my friend Danny's band
* The scale is stuck on +3 pounds
* Bonnie Franklin died
* I had to throw out a former favorite pair of jeans 'cause they were so stretched out they wouldn't stay up
* Detroit is bankrupt

The Worst News
* Someone I love is very ill

Hey Tomorrow!  Where are YOU going anyway?


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