Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Guilt Trip (Caution - Spoiler Alert!)

The Guilt Trip with Barbra Streisand arrived yesterday from Netflix.  I was surprised to see it because I don't remember putting it in my queue. 

The story is pretty simple: Baby Boomer and long-time widowed mom (Joyce) confesses to her grown son (Andrew) that she had named him for a young man she was in love with when she was 21. Joyce believes original-Andrew did not return her love because he seemed to let her go so easily. Son-Andrew checks on the Internet, locates Mom's long lost beau and offers Mom a road trip with him as he tries to pitch his new invention to K-Mart, Costco and HSN.  His secret mission is to reunite the pair of formerly young (now senior citizen) lovers. When they arrive at the original-Andrew's home they find his son (also Andrew) who sadly tells them that his father died a few years ago and no, his father never talked about that time of his life. Joyce is sad and thinks original-Andrew never gave her another thought even though he was in her thoughts all those years.  But then in walks original-Andrew's daughter who introduces herself as "Hi, I'm Joyce". Wow!  Original-Joyce is moved beyond words and I must admit, tears filled my eyes.

Who would have thought this silly movie would actually touch my core?  It reminded me that I am thankful to have made the effort to reconnect with old friends while they are still alive!

No Guilt Trip for me!!


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