Friday, July 12, 2013

I'm Trying

I'm trying to do better these days.  I'm having one of my periodic declarations of good intentions in which I resolve to iron out areas where I have floundered recently or have gotten complacent or just plain lazy. 

These occasional bursts of energy always start with a thorough (semi-thorough anyway) house cleaning and the purchase of lifestyle-enhancing items (like the new sofa) that make me wonder what I was waiting for.  With the house spic and span I can then focus on the harder stuff - stuff I've been meaning to do better like taking my vitamins religiously (I skip some sometimes) and calling old friends before they become former friends. 

I am happy to report that after only a few days of concentrated effort, the house is in good shape, the scale has applauded my efforts to tackle those pesky two or three pounds that keep creeping back and my social calendar is filling up.  I've checked in with folks in Chicago and my old work buddies, thrown out shoes that made my feet hurt and cleaned the inside windshield of my car.    

I vow to maintain my new energized approach.  It feels great. 

I'm trying!


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