Thursday, July 26, 2012


William Staub, inventor of the treadmill died today at 96. 

Now normally this news would mean zip to me except I learned of it this morning watching CNN while actually ON a treadmill.  Spooky!

Yes indeedy, I was on Day Three of my new 20-minute-a-day-treadmill program which represents the third day I have actually been on any kind of exercise program.  I started out at 2 miles an hour but have quickly ramped up to 3.5 miles an hour where I feel I am actually doing something resembling exercise.  I don't know where that puts me but I'm pretty sure "ancient out-of-shape couch potato" is pretty close to my current state of physical fitness.

I am lucky to have a state-of-the-art fitness room in my community that takes only a minute to get to.  Watching TV makes the 20 minutes fly by.  What am I hoping to accomplish?  I want to jack up my basic metabolism which advancing age has slowed to a crawl.  I hear there are lots of good things that come from a walking program; I better get a book on the subject and check them out.

In the meantime, I'm off to endulge in the 80 calories the treadmill said I burned this morning.

Thanks, Wlliam Staub!

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