Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Circle of Life

Laura and Jason and the grand-god-children - Cameron, Preston and Leila - are here on vacation.  Nothing makes one feel quite as old as trying to keep up with frenetic 32 year olds and their wacky, energetic family! 

It is weird to see people that you knew as screaming little kids chasing after their own screaming little kids.  It is weird to see the friends you knew in school grow older, become grandparents, slow down.  My late BFF called it the Circle of Life, from the Lion King song, and it helped her face her own mortality with grace and acceptance.

It is easy to see the Circle of Life being played out from the perspective of one's 60's.  So amazing, this cycle of growth and renewal in all living things. 


  1. Bittersweet, isn't it? Thinking of a 32-year-old as a youngster! Bruce Springsteen and Dennis Quaid appearing on the cover of AARP Magazine (not the same cover, of course.....). My BFF says you go to bed one night when you're 20 and you wake up 30. You lay down for an afternoon nap and you wake up 40. You blink and you're 50. And don't even THINK about closing your eyes after that.

    1. Good post Jillie. I plan on staying awake as long as possible ;-)
