Thursday, October 2, 2014

New Year's Resolutions

We Jews are lucky, at least in this regard: we get two New Years each year and a chance to make double (or redouble on the last) resolutions.

This year, 5775, the theme of my resolutions is "less is more". Usually I believe "more is more" but I think I have overdone it a bit this last year. Chalk it up to the joy of moving to my new home and making new friends and having so many more options for fun.  This euphoria has led to an abandonment of restraint.

I've gained too much weight (even a few pounds makes a difference on my small frame).

I've bought too many new tops, shoes and definitely too many new jeans so I can skip Ross and eBay for awhile. (Super duper bargains will still be sought out however.)

Home decorating purchases and more tchatchke are now verboten.

The expensive new handbag (gorgeous but completely unnecessary) was returned yesterday.

I also resolve not to say "yes" to every offer of entertainment (unless it's free) if I really don't want to go.

Gotta go now. My friend June and I are going to Eustis to check out the Peddler's Wagon Holiday Showcase.  I'll get a chance to test my resolve!


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