Sunday, October 5, 2014

Panic Button

Time Magazine cover 4/8/1977
I read an interesting article a few days ago - "The Case For Panic". I can relate. More than once the past few months I have fought the urge to descend into full-blown Panic Mode.

I am not panicing about Ebola (not yet) having lived through the HIV/AIDS and SARS terrors. I am not worrying about the President's safety and the ineptitude of the Secret Service (I worry more about his ability to guide the country) nor do I spend a nano-second on so-called "Global Warming" now renamed to "Climate Change" (in case it accidentally gets colder instead of warmer). I remember the TIME magazine headline in the 70s that predicted "another ice age" is on the horizon hahaha. I don't worry about immigration because in a generation or two the "immigrants" will be "Americans", just like the formerly shunned Irish, Chinese and Eastern European (etc., etc.) immigrants became pillars of their communities. I don't worry about Obamacare because when folks get their gimormous premium increases next year there will be some changes made.

I do worry about the rising and scary tide of anti-Semitism across the globe, the ability of Israel to defend herself against hordes of haters and the rise of "radical' Islam, especially in Western countries. I worry about ISIS and that much of Islam has morphed from a gentle religion into a blueprint for society which includes government, laws, jihadists, hatred and punishments that directly conflict with our own values.

The article summarizes: it won't be long before things get "really weird".

Gee, things are pretty weird already...

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