Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Hello? Heaven?

Hi Honey, it's your Yartzeit again, seven lonely years without you.  I miss you so much.

I was thinking about all the years we had together and all the secrets we shared and all the ups and downs we went through.  We had some good times didn't we?

Remember putting up dozens of orange decals on the yellow kitchen cabinets in your first apartment?  You scrubbed the tops which I swore had to be painted black but you said no, it was just decades of dirt.  You were right.

And remember putting up that hideous flocked contact paper on our apartment walls?

Remember when we were on the phone describing the new dress we each had bought that day and realized we both had bought the exact same dress?

Remember the New Years Eve when you dropped us off at the airport four hours early for a trip to Las Vegas and we somehow managed to miss our flight and then showed up on your doorstep again?

Remember when we turned our backs for split second and Scott crawled halfway down the mall in two seconds flat? I was frozen with fear.  A good person stopped him and said she knew a crazy Mom would be close behind.

Remember our two Camaros?  Ours was white and yours was red.  We were HOT! 

I remember your dogs - how you loved animals!  How could I forget Faygel - he would poop discreetly behind that blue and green sofa. And Nikki and Max.  And your parrot Popeye!  And Cookie, your Siamese with palsy that you refused to have put to sleep after the vet botched her spaying.  Dan still takes such good care of her.

Remember when I threw my wedding bouquet right at you?  I don't think the other ladies liked that one bit!

Remember when you called to tell me you had a lump in your breast and you knew it was very bad but you didn't want to go to the doctor until after the holidays because you didn't want to spoil everyone's good time?  Remember when you asked me to take care of the kids and I said I think I need the kids to take care of me?  You said "no, they need you Ev".

I love you my Best Friend Forever.  Wish you were here...

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