Saturday, February 23, 2013

Help Wanted

I love anything that helps me do my chores faster or better.  The best of these are those that actually do the chores FOR me! So in my quest to find the perfect cleaning companion - outside of an actual live cleaning person - I have tried all sorts of robotic gizmos.

I was an early adopter of the Roomba and the Scooba.  Both were OK but had shortcomings, the worst of which was that they seemed to always run out of battery power while situated under a bed.  There were also "walls" to be maintained with fresh D cell batteries to prevent Roomba and Scooba from sucking up my long draperies. I finally gave up on these and went back to doing it the old-fashioned way.

Now there is a fresh new crop of robotic gizmos: the "Neat" and the "O-Duster" and a few others I think.  The O-Duster is currently circulating around my house as I type.  Its the simplest of the robots - you just charge up its internal battery every night and attach a swiffer type cloth (pricey custom size of course) and it runs around the house seeking dust mites.  So far it's not bad and I figure whatever it does, I don't have to do.  It's also light weight so if it does get stuck under the bed I can easily poke it out with a broom handle.

When I was a little girl, Mr. Wizard promised me that by the time I was a housewife I would have a faucet that ran boiling water, a machine to wash and dry my dishes, and a robot to do my cleaning.  I guess he was right on all counts!


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