Saturday, February 9, 2013

Ajax For Dishes

In case you had any doubts about what a sentimental shmuck I am, this should put all those doubts to rest. After all, how many people can expound upon their love of a dishwashing detergent?

Our first apartment did not have a dishwasher but no matter. The Colgate company had just put Ajax For Dishes on the market and their commercials featured a big burly guy purporting to be a professional dishwasher who happily sang "they answered my wishes with Ajax for dishes, it makes the work faster for me". Let's face it, if you are a big burly guy who loves being a professional dishwasher chances are you are a recent parolee.

That catchy tune stayed with me as I washed dishes for the next several decades. I never strayed from Ajax For Dishes, even though Marj promised I could soak my hands in Palmolive and Dove came out with creamy white stuff that smelled like my favorite soap.

It's 2013 and now I have the top-of-the-line state-of-the-art Kitchen Aid dishwasher but I still buy Ajax For Dishes in the handy large economy 1.62 quart size. Why? I squirt a healthy dose into my bathtub every night to make the bubbles I am so fond of. I assume it gets me a little cleaner as well.

And yes, I still hum "they answered my wishes..."

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