Monday, February 11, 2013


God-daughter Victoria was playing a Facebook game - she told a bit about what was going on in her life at a certain age and if you "liked" her post she would send you an age to tell about yourself.

I guess it was Karma 'cause of course the age Victoria sent me was 28, the worst year of my life.  I will spare you all the details Dear Diary but that was the year we lived in Pittsburgh. Stu had got a "great" job as a Marketing Manager for an office furniture manufacturer and I worked in the Busy Beaver window replacement office. I hated my boring job and Stu's job was gone in a year. We lost a third of the money we had painstakingly accumulated in our eight years of marriage and were stuck in a miserable city we hated with a house we couldn't afford. Pittsburgh set us back financially and played a horrible head game that affected us for years. But like any other life experience, it paved the way for all the good things that followed. 

It must have also been Karma that just yesterday I wrote that this last year has been the best year of my life.  I need to remember the bad times to appreciate the good!


1 comment:

  1. Victoria Marks Bennett
    I read it. Definatly sounds like a really bad year, but look where the experience got you today. If that experience hadn't happened do you think you would be the same today? And knowing how much you love where you are today, if you had the chance to change it, would you? You went through hell and came out a better and stronger person on the other side...and we LOVE that person so much!
