Monday, September 10, 2012

Family Resemblance

We're the descendants of Avigdor Ezra Silverstein and some of us ladies refer to ourselves as "the Silverstein Girls" although only one of us still bears the surname of Silver (thankfully and thoughtfully shortened by Uncle Morris and my Dad).  Whenever I get a new picture of one of us it is like deja vue all over again!  You can see the uncanny family resemblance even through 5 or 6 or more generations.

 Meet Danielle, my young second cousin twice removed.  Her great-great-grandfather Shlomo and my grandfather Shmuel were brothers, sons of the aforementioned Avigdor.  And here's a recent picture of moi. 

Am I crazy or could we be sisters?


1 comment:

  1. Same eyes, same schnoz, same lips. Strong family resemblance. If I guessed I woulda said it was a picture of you in your teens.
