Saturday, September 8, 2012

All's Fair

Despite my Best Intentions to stay away from political arguments, I sometimes Cannot-Help-Myself.  HaHaHa! 

I adore these two - James Carville and Mary Matalin.  How they have stayed together for two decades is anybody's guess. James, a staunch Democrat,  ran Bill Clinton's successful presidential campaign in 1992 while Mary, an equally passionate Republican, ran the unsuccessful reelection campaign for George Bush the first.  They are both strongly opinionated, feisty and funnier than Lucy and Desi when they're together. A few years ago I read their autobiography/love story called "All's Fair".  I think they actually amaze themselves that their marriage works so well! 

Since I said it's anybody's guess how they stay together, I will venture my own guess.  They stay together because they can agree to disagree, compromise for the good of the family, avoid hitting-below-the-belt arguments and remember what's really important. 

Ahhh, if only Congress (and the World) could take a lesson from James and Mary!

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