Friday, July 25, 2014

I See

I see the world has not given up on their hatred for Jews and that anti-Semitism is alive and well and rampant.

I see that even when people pay lip service to fighting terrorism, they still appease and subsidize terrorism in its most brutal and dangerous forms.

I see synagogues, stores, and Jewish cemeteries attacked in France and Belgium and other countries who not that long ago, in the living memories of survivors, supported genocide. 

I see that people can declare a "Day of Terror" against Israel and I wonder what the world would say if Israel would declare a "Day of Terror" against anyone for any reason.

I see Jews labelled as uncaring monsters when the collective Jewish conscience is the most gentle, humane, generous, forgiving, thoughtful and righteous in the world.

I see a double standard where other countries can murder, pillage, torture, enslave and brutalize their populations with impunity while Israel's right to defend itself is questioned.

I see hatred for a people who through hard work and education have earned success in many fields, overcoming obstacles and never asking for charity. And then I see people who would rather spend their resources on terror than on schools and hospitals and who then look to other countries for handouts.

I don't know what the rest of the world is seeing when they look at Jews and Israel. They do not see what I see...

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