Friday, December 20, 2013

Letter To Frimette

My dearest cousin,

We were so sorry to learn of Mickey's death last week. When Chavie called with the news I slipped into a state of shock. The movers were at the door and I couldn't quite process what she was telling me. So sudden! Out of nowhere!

It felt like we had just seen the two of you a couple of months ago at Caren's wedding but I realized it was closer to a year ago. How happy and healthy Mickey looked. Cracking jokes as always. I had a big smile when Mickey told cousin Victor B. that we get together and see each other frequently. I am so proud that you enjoy our company. We always have such a fun evening whenever we see each other.

We so greatly admire you and Mickey. You are so down-to-earth and unpretentious and we love how you enjoy the "early bird specials" and the "hamisha" menus even though we know you could dine anywhere you choose, at the most fancy shmanzy restaurants. I am so proud that you chose to endorse a Chair in Nanotechnology at the Ben Gurion University in Israel. What a legacy that will be!

I love hearing about your big family. Another fabulous legacy and I'm sure they are all of great comfort to you. But of course, nothing can take the place of your beloved Partner in Life for 60+ years. I will not even try to come up with words that attempt to assuage your loss.

Frimette, I must thank you again for the kindness you and Mickey showed my dear Mother. You always made a point to visit her whenever you were in town and take her out for a Poppies. You and Mickey are what it means to be "menschs".

And so much fun! Mickey was so active! Hiking in the Candian woods once a year?! Still involved in business and working! What an amazing person! He was "larger than life" and truly one-of-a-kind. He seemed to grab the center stage wherever he went.

Although of small comfort, we are happy he did not suffer any debilitating illness and passed quickly and easily. I consider it a blessing from God that my parents went quickly also. A reward for a life well lived.

We loved Mickey and will miss him so much.

Baruch dayan emet

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