Monday, May 14, 2012

The Joy of Not Working

When I was working and folks would ask me why I don't retire I'd counter with "what would I do all day?"  The answer was always "whatever you want".  This was not very satisfying because I translated it to mean " absolutely nothing" and complete boredom. 

Wow!  Now I see the light!  It is a strange and beautiful feeling to be able to do "whatever I want" and do it almost "whenever I want".  When I think about it, I have never in my life been so free from the alarm clock, from having to squeeze in errands and personal time, from having to be somewhere at a specific time, from spending weekends "catching up" and just plain obligations in general. 

I can stop by the grocery whenever I notice we are out of something rather than try to stock up for a week.  I can walk Dolly a little longer without waiting impatiently for her to do her business.  I can take an afternoon nap or lounge by the pool or surf the net or just "patschke" (my mother's favorite time waster which consists of wandering from room to room finding stuff that needs doing).

In My Humble Opinion, there is no way working - even at a job you "love" and one which brings you "satisfaction" - can beat the Joy of Not Working!


1 comment:

  1. I could not agree more, and am pea-green with envy! Enjoy!
