Friday, May 25, 2012

Dying Young

We all know death is inevitable.  It is something that happens to old people, people who have "had a good, long life" and left the world with a string of accomplishments and/or progeny. 

I was rather unaffected when my grandparents died in the 70s and even accepting when my dear parents passed away at 84 and 89.  But I felt something different when my best friend, someone I had loved and shared my life with since I was 16, passed away.  It hit me in a different way: how short life is!  How very few are our days, our opportunities to fulfill our dreams and to cherish our loved ones.  Stopping to smell the roses held new meaning.

Tonight I will say Kaddish for a young person, only 26.  I did not know her personally but I know she brought joy to the lives of others.  A lifetime of possibilities awaited her. 

May her memory be a blessing.

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