Friday, January 30, 2015

Bat Mitzvah?

We received an invitation to a Bat Mitzvah yesterday. A most happy occasion for sure.

The Bat Mitzvah "girl" is my age. 

Was it just fate that yesterday her husband called and asked if we'd like to go to dinner? After all, we hardly know them and going out socially last night was a first.

So I used the opportunity to ask what becoming a Bat Mitzvah entailed.  Did she know how to read Hebrew before signing up? (no) Did any of the class drop out? (no) How long is the class? (two years, two hours every Sunday)

I never had a Bat Mitzvah. My father had two reasons: 1. Only boys were allowed to read from the Torah on the Bema and 2. Hebrew school was an expensive proposition. Somehow he thought I would learn Hebrew by just hanging around him or by singing the Aleph-Bet song. Did I miss not going to Hebrew school? Absolutely not! Hahaha

Would I like to be a Bat Mitzvah at my age? I'm not sure. What I once would have said "absolutely not!" to, I am re-thinking. Apparently there are many of us women who skipped a Bat Mitzvah as youngsters. I know this because fourteen women from our Temple have studied for two years to become B'not Mitzvah in March.

My new friend told me the instructor (whom I've seen up on the Bema, filling in for our Spiritual Leader on Friday nights or reading from the Torah) is a kind and patient instructor. I think I will ask him tonight about his next class...


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