Saturday, January 10, 2015

Je Suis Juif

Last night's commentary on the week's Parsha was brilliantly delivered by fellow havurah member Marlene and accompanied by fellow havurah member Michele playing the haunting theme from Exodus on the piano.  It was the start of the Book of Exodus and the retelling of the tale of Moses and our liberation from slavery in Egypt. I found it incredibly moving, even though I am, of course, well versed in the story.

A brief mention was made at the recitation of the names for yartzeit of the victims of the Paris terrorist attacks. Not enough honor was paid to their memory in my opinion...

So with Exodus on my mind and the music playing in my head and thoughts of my murdered landsmen in my heart, I contemplated the modern day exodus of French Jews making aliyah to Israel, over 7,000 in the past year, a number that is sure to increase. Would I be as brave as they are to leave their homes, jobs, friends, businesses and language for an unknown future?

I think the answer would be yes. Living in fear because I am a Jew would be an unacceptable option. Un-lived but still vivid memories of the Holocaust would haunt my dreams. At least in Israel I know an entire army will fight to protect me.

Je suis Juif (I am a Jew).

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