Friday, April 25, 2014

Yay Me!

Sometimes, late at night, I let my mind wander to dark places and I remember - with horror - stupid things I've done or said. The overwhelming majority of those are in the far, far distant past and, as cousin Larry posted on Facebook yesterday, "To be old and wise one must first be young and stupid".  But last night, before I drifted off to sleep, I let myself remember a few of the GOOD things I've done that I'm proud of. I went to sleep with a smile on my face and feeling much better about me. Here's a sample:

I graduated in the top ten percent of my high school class. I found, applied for and received a full scholarship to college where I carried a heavy course load and graduated in two years and 8 months.

I survived three years on a tractor trailer criss-crossing the country (it was tough). I learned that a shower and a bed are luxuries not to be taken for granted. I "reinvented" myself when I went back to school for computer classes and became a programmer. I had the chutzpah a few years later to apply for and get a supervisory position that I was less than completely qualified for and worked hard to be super successful.

I was never afraid to take a chance in my career and that paid off with promotions and better opportunities. Same thing about moving to Florida, it took guts to leave our "safe" jobs for who-knows-what.

After a chubby childhood and not-quite-skinny teenage years I have stayed slim in adulthood by watching the scale and taking corrective action as needed. No gimmicky diets and no deprivation either.

I've been good about saving for retirement and living within my means and I have no bad habits or neuroses that would necessitate visits to mental health care providers.

I supported hubby in all of his endeavors and ups-and-downs. His thanks and enthusiastic praise for my efforts mean the world to me.

I retired "at the top of my game" with assurances that I would be greatly missed. And I consider my beautiful new home an accomplishment too. Of all the places we've bought, sold or rented, this one feels most like "I'm home".

Truly amazing people have entered my life and decided they love me and chose to stay for a lifetime. I must really be a terrific person for them to want to give me so much more than I have ever given them.

Yay Me!

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