Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Did you miss me Dear Diary?  I've had a bad case of pink eye for a week and working on the PC has been very tough. It still hurts a little and I vow to be more careful about rubbing my eyes with dirty hands. It's been a hard time for other reasons - hubby has been fighting a poison oak rash for weeks and the week in a hotel away from the comforts of home did not help. Cousin Harvey suffered a fall and spent a night in the hospital as they tried to get his bleeding under control, something made harder due to the blood thinner coumedin he takes. There was stress from the moving company and worry about the house in Hollywood that's still for sale. We bickered about changes hubby would like to make in the new house (all on Day One of course) and our nerves are raw, probably because we feel so crummy. Do you feel for me Dear Diary?  Then you are kind and sympathetic listener. 

I heard of a new-to-me word this week: Schadenfreude. It's German and means "the joy one feels at the misfortune or failure of others". Can you imagine having a word for this in your culture? Do German people actually experience this horrible emotion so often they require a single word to express it?  There are indeed some people that I am not above wishing a little bit of karma to come around and bite them on the you-know-what but I don't believe I've ever experienced "Joy on the Misfortune of Others".

Wish me a better week OK?  No Schadenfreude allowed!


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