Friday, November 1, 2013

Lifelong Learning

When hubby received his doctorate at a rather late point in his life he dedicated his dissertation to my father and wrote that Dad had shown him "what lifelong learning truly was".  Wow, I was flabbergasted. 

It's true that my father had a passion for learning his entire life - new languages, astronomy, carpentry, zoology, history, you name it. I even caught him reading my high school and college textbooks a time or two.

So I am excited that The Villages offers extensive opportunities for lifelong learning. Their motto is "no grades, no stress, just fun".  I know I won't have time for a few months to fully partake in classes that pique my interest - I'll need to unpack hundreds of boxes and entertain my guests (Scott & family in December and Harvey and Vi in January) followed by a Cousins Cruise in February - but eventually you will find me at the Lifelong Learning College. I can't wait to start with the historical classes that have an underlying Jewish theme.
Today is Open House at the Lifelong Learning College so I'll get to scope everything out.  I'm sure Dad would have approved. 

Miss him so much...

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