Thursday, December 4, 2014

Presents for Me

Ok Let's face it. The best presents are the ones we buy for ourselves. Who knows our secret desires better than us?  Even if our loved ones know we like something like artisan jewelry or Judaica tchatchkes there are definitely items in those categories we may not appreciate. I'm a firm believer in gift cards and going with to pick out my own present.

Chanukah is coming and I have treated myself to two presents: the Season 9 DVD of 24: Live Another Day (my recordings got wiped out when we upgraded our cable service) and new flannel Nick and Nora pajamas in the-hard-to-find "travel" print.  Both presents are from e-bay, still my favorite online source of goodies.

But I must admit, my friend Kathy has me pretty well pegged.  She recently gifted me (for absolutely no reason) with two spot-on perfect items from her own stash: a hard sided handbag that says "Hollywood" and a necklace with multiple talismans to ward off the evil eye. Love them and her too; she's the best gift of all.

Can't wait to show off the handbag tonight at the Royal Oak Christmas party. Plus there are six more nights of Chanukah needing more presents for me!


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