Tuesday, December 2, 2014

One Word

I can't seem to resist those little Facebook quizzes that promise to tell you all about yourself in about a half dozen easy (but revealing) questions.  Today's quiz was "what word truly sums you up?"

I think some choices were Determined and Lively but I got Cultured. How tres boring!  Was it my answer that a favorite spot to unwind might be a coffee shop and not a pub or bar?  I met new people just last week and I'd rather live my life doing what I love than making a lot of money - don't those answers show I'm sociable and down-to-earth? OK it was a bit of a toss up what I'd like to do this weekend but in the end I opted for spending some time with friends over reading a new book. Of course that would depend on who the friends were and what new book I've got on tap!  I couldn't lie, I do think I'm smart but humble but of course the other choices were "the life of the party" or "mysterious" or some other descriptive word that I definitely am not.

Truth be told, I think a few years ago I would have summed up myself as "Striving", always trying to do better and be-all-I-could-be. Today I think "Grateful" or "Contented" would be an apt one word description.  

I guess Cultured is not the worst thing one could be. Of course I was hoping for something along the lines of Breath-taking or at least Fabulous... 


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