Thursday, March 6, 2014

Pet Peeve

Do you have one? I surely do. It's dumb people comparing everything and everyone they don't like to Hitler and the Holocaust. Now it's Hillary Clinton comparing Putin's invasion of Crimea to Hitler. A month or so ago I responded to a Facebook post that compared followers of Obama to Hitler's followers. Can you imagine?
Listen up world. There has been only one Hitler and one Holocaust, Thank God. Oh there have been plenty of dictators, injustice, slaughter of innocents and more evil and pain than can be imagined. But unless your particular dictator has lined up millions of defenseless and unoffending men, women and children and systematically murdered them in ovens, tortured, starved and enslaved them, destroyed their cultural and religious artifacts and nearly succeeded in wiping them off the face of the earth in the name of ethnic cleansing or racial superiority please DO NOT compare him or her to Hitler. It mitigates the horror of the Holocaust and hurts the few remaining survivors who still bear numbers on their arms.
You too Hillary. I'm shocked at your ignorance.

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