Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Holiday Prep Part One

When I was a girl my Mom and I would prepare our Thanksgiving feast while watching the Macy's parade (not as easy as you think since the one TV was in the living room). I'd give every turkey a name. The first was "Percy", named for the Scarlet Pimpernel, a classic I was reading.  I was enamoured with the hero, Lord Percy (he had a secret identity: aristocrat by day, do-good hero by night). (Note to self: order from library and reread)

The naming tradition has continued to this day and this year's lucky Butterball is "Garfunkle", named for the Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme recipe I'm trying out.

Other traditions? The Pilgrim family salt and pepper shakers, the stuffed turkey centerpiece and the fall colors easy-care vinyl tablecloth. The meal? Besides Garfunkle, two kinds of stuffing (cornbread and herb), sweet potatoes, roasted chestnuts and pumpkin pie.


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