Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Today is a reset day. I have them once in awhile when life somehow seems to slip away from me. The symptoms are usually the following: an inordinate amount of time spent on small tasks that mostly involve wandering from room to room, a spike in the scale due to over-indulgence and lack of movement, a general malaise and lack of energy and a dearth of inspiration for my blog. In this most recent case, these doldrums can be attributed to a recent bout with strep throat, a pinched neck muscle that I started thinking might be something more serious and a kind of let-down now that the house is completed and there's no more shopping or effort required.

The steps for the reset are as follows:
1. more caffeine and less sugar
2. filling the weekly vitamin container
3. calling the people I owe phone calls (or miss)
4. giving myself a pedi
5. doing something new

The something new? Well, last week hubby mentioned an interest in a free lunch workshop (and it just happens to be today) hosted by one of the many, many financial advisers here in TV.  His interest was a big surprise as we feel we need neither financial advice or a free lunch. One could probably have free lunch everyday if one wanted to attend all these types of events! This one piqued his interest as its topics included Family Foundations and Charitable Trusts, something associated with the uber-wealthy and not with folks like us. But hey, live and learn and attending this workshop would definitely fit the bill of "doing something new".

But then again, so would seeing Godzilla 2014 in 3-D...



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