Tuesday, July 7, 2015

File and Suspend

I will be turning 66 in a few months which happens to be my "normal" retirement age for collecting Social Security benefits. This date will allow me to collect on hubby's benefits until I turn 70 when I can claim my own absolute maximum amount.  The technique is called "file and suspend" which is what hubby will do today when we visit the Social Security office. He also wants to collect the maximum at age 70 which is still a few years away.

Of course getting even half of hubby's benefits "early" will be nice but like every other rite-of-passage I've experienced since turning 60, it's strangely melancholy. I am, indeed, getting old.

A joyful cruise is on the near horizon and I packed a pair of white denim shorts. I am still debating about them - didn't I just read that I am too old for shorter shorts? I tried to find a longer pair with a more forgiving stretchy waistband yesterday but no luck. So the old pair remains in the suitcase. 

Maj Jong. A planned retirement community. A pension. Lazy days filled with medical appointments and activities with other seniors. And now, Social Security checks.

Doesn't sound that bad, does it?  I can cope!


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