Wednesday, July 1, 2015


My soul searching reflection for today is on the adjustments we all have to make. Not the big ones like retirement or moving or losing a BFF - no, the little ones like having reading glasses in every room of the house or having to use hair color a little more frequently.  What put this idea into my head this morning? The Donald.

It seems that even he is considering changing his preposterous hairstyle to accommodate his anticipated lifestyle as POTUS. Truth Be Told, I suspect he is getting too bald to keep up the pretense of having hair.

So I am contemplating the small adjustments I myself need to accept as permanent in my own life.  Will I always feel a sporadic twinge of pain from my recent root canals?  Will the scale continue to readjust itself upwards 3 or 4 pounds despite my best efforts to force it down? Will I ever be happy in sleeveless tops? 

I suspect life has more small adjustments in store for me. But yesterday I got a good report from my latest mammogram that put these small nuisances in perspective.

I can adjust!


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