Sunday, July 12, 2015

Feel The Bern

As a political junkie and also a Member of the Tribe I cannot help but pay attention to a Jew who is running for President. I've been reading all I can about Bernie Sanders and although I would never describe myself as a Socialist, there's a lot to like.

I do support many of his positions. Universal Health care with a single payer system (not ObamaCare) like they have in Canada and every other developed nation. A living minimum wage, preferably tied to inflation. Marriage equality. No to the TPP (have we forgotten NAFTA and the giant sucking sound it made as jobs were swept overseas?) Repeal of the Citizens United verdict by the Supreme Court which allows corporations and unions to spend unlimited funds on ads and other political tools which call for the defeat of individual candidates (that is, buy elections). No to gun control. No to a President beholden to foreign interests, lobbyists and rich donors. 

I'd like a President who has the courage of his convictions, whose opinions have not "evolved" with changing polling data. I admire Sanders' NO vote on the Iraq war. I even like that he has been true to the ideals of my (aging hippie) generation's vision for the future: live modestly, move to the country, work for the poor and underrepresented. I am happy that his name is not Bush or Clinton.

Here in Florida, we cannot vote in the primary to choose a Presidential candidate of either party unless we are a registered voter for that party. So I thoughtfully made the decision to change my voter registration to Democrat so I can vote for Bernie. My form to the Marion County Supervisor of Elections will be sent off tomorrow morning.

It's my Bern Notice!


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