Saturday, June 13, 2015

Big Phony

It seems that Rachel Dolezai, a very white lady, has been "passing for black" and reaping "rewards" like scholarships, preferential consideration for employment and a leadership position at the NAACP.  The kindest explanation is that she has so identified with the black community, her black husband and children, and her civil rights advocacy that she somehow "forgot" she is white.

One argument is that if Caitlyn Jenner can "chose" to be a woman, can't we "chose" with whom we identify and how we identify ourselves?

I have long had mixed feelings about Jewish conversions. Deep in my heart, I do not altogether believe one can chose to actually "be" Jewish. 

Oh yes, one can follow Jewish customs and religious traditions with no conversion necessary. And I definitely feel that if you marry a Jewish spouse you can raise Jewish children (although empirical evidence seems to point to many of those children dropping their Jewish identity later in life). But I have my doubts that you can actually decide to be Jewish and thus become Jewish.

Do I sound elitist?  I really don't mean to. But I feel one is born Jewish, as a descendant of our Patriarchs and Matriarchs. If you are such a grandchild, you do not have to believe in the religious aspects of Judaism to remain a Jew (unlike Christians who must have faith and believe). I am of the opinion that being Jewish is a result of our race and ethnicity as well as our religion and customs. 

Just like Rachel cannot chose to be African-American (no matter how closely she identifies with them), one cannot just decide they want to be a Member of the Tribe. Sorry...

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