Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Joy of UnFriending

An acquaintance (at best) whom I have not had contact with for oh about ten years sent me a Facebook request. I debated for a second but decided to accept. After all we are both Jewish and retired here in central Florida. Why not?

We  were "friends" for about a day and I received my first (and last) message from her (it was probably from her husband, a former work subordinate). It read:

Can you believe it? A lecture on what I should and shouldn't post on Facebook? Who is she/he, the Facebook Police? If my "friends" don't want to see what I post, they don't have to read it or they can unfollow me or unfriend me. I have four times the "friends" that this person has - how does she/he know what my "friends" do or don't appreciate seeing from me?

But this little incident did remind me that this is exactly the kind of thing I don't need in my life and best of all, it is the kind of thing I never have to deal with again, God willing. I love my new BS and Cr*p free life as a retiree!

UnFriend!  ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Screw them! Glad they were unfriended. Obviously they don't know the rules of facebook!
