Sunday, August 17, 2014


I watched the most unusual movie this afternoon. It is called Locke and it is mesmerizing and thought provoking.

I found myself admiring the title character. Here's why.

He made a mistake. Instead of choosing to avoid the consequences of his mistake (a biggie) he owned up and took full responsibility for it and its devastating consequences.

Once he decided to "do the right thing" he did not waiver, even when the ramifications kept piling up.

While suffering through the consequences of his decision he still did his best to meet all his other obligations.

He compared how he was handling his responsibilities to how his deadbeat, drunken dad handled his own. He realized he did not have to follow the same path and that he could be a better man than his father.

When his problems started to multiply, he kept as cool as possible and thought of alternatives. He looked at things logically and believed there was a solution to every problem. I definitely could relate as I am rather Type A myself.

He visualized and vocalized the outcomes he wanted and I think that was a bit of a prayer.

This movie probably cost a ton less than any other recent film, has only one (fantastic) actor and was shot in a few weeks. But the tension was Hitchcock-esque and it left me wishing Locke will take another drive someday.

I also learned quite a bit about concrete...

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