Saturday, July 2, 2016

How Dumb Is That?

I've been on this planet many decades and although I've made my share of mistakes (or at least there are things I would have said or done differently), I am thrilled that none of them have wound up on the local or cable news stations. 

What has been making headlines for the past two days is the "secret" meeting between Loretta Lynch, our Attorney General, and Bill Clinton, our sleazy former President.  How these two ever made it out of law school (of course Bill is disbarred now for perjuring himself under oath) is a true mystery. What on Earth could they have been thinking?!?

I heard a news commentator (talking head) say that Bill Clinton is the smartest, most astute political being that ever was. She wondered if the whole meeting thing was a way to get Loretta Lynch to recuse herself and thus set the sure-to-come indictment of HRC (Her Royal Clinton) back until after the election. I say: for someone so "smart", Bill's f-ups have been of legendary proportions. 

I feel good about my own miniscule (by comparison) shortcomings. If the super-brainy and highly respected leaders of our country and the free world are such dopes, then I am truly a genius!


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