Saturday, May 9, 2015


For someone who has needed minimal or no dental care over the years (only one root canal and crown) I'm surprised at my new ongoing struggle with tooth #19. 

After visiting two dentists (horrible experiences with both) and finally getting a root canal from a highly experienced endodontist plus a follow up visit for some additional tweaking, I am still hurting. All signs seen to point to inflammation or infection so I am dosing myself with antibiotics and ibuprofen. 

It's hard to keep going when I'm in pain and I'm getting a little discouraged. It's been months since I actually felt really good (not all due to tooth #19),  I am also bummed that FOREVER - a favorite TV show - just got cancelled and that I had a wee fender bender this week. Things are merely OK, certainly not great lately.

What do I do when the going gets a bit rough? Keep busy. Clean the house (I believe in the life-changing magic of tidying up). Go food shopping. Call someone. Put on makeup so I'll look/feel better. Make a hot beverage. Remember all the things I am grateful for.

I know things will get better but for now I'm just trying to get past "ouch"....


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