Friday, September 18, 2015

In A Funk

That is me, I am in a Funk mood and verging on depression.  

I find myself disliking ALL the Republican candidates and definitely Hillary and even though I can respect Bernie, I am certainly no socialist. But that's not all...

The market is down and with it a small but significant percentage of our Retirement Nest Egg.  I hate being in the market at all but have so far not summoned the courage to ask hubby to move his 401K and IRA assets to CDs paying 1%. But that's not all...

I find myself loathing what I see in the mirror. OK I guess I am OK (or better) compared to other ladies my age but this has of late been of little consolation. But that's not all...

I am frustrated and mad at myself at my inability to read Hebrew fluently even though I am diligently studying and practicing every day. OK so I am getting better. But it is so hard going. I am not happy that I have to do the whole Saturday service plus the Torah portion and Haftorah in Hebrew while everyone else had only to read about a page of Torah or Haftorah for their Bar/Bat Mitzvah. If that was all I had to do my Bat Mitzvah would be next week (OK maybe in a month).

OK, I guess that's all.  

Oh, except that I ate all the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream while hubby has been out of town. Good thing he comes back tomorrow...


1 comment:

  1. What a happy surprise! My dear friend sent these words of encouragement to me:

    Dear Diary,
    I have a dear friend who is really down on herself. She is beautiful, intellectual, loving, and usually patient. I don't know what to do to help her regain confidence in herself except to tell her I love her, that tomorrow will be better, no that we all get in a funk from time to time. She is not alone.
    Hebrew is a tough language to read. That's why her BM is a year give her plenty of time to master it. This is the path she has chosen, but not one written in ink,and signed in blood. A year will make a huge difference. Never mind a year, six months will make a huge difference.
    She is a wonderful, fun person. Maybe she just needs me to remind herself. And so what if she had ice cream. My weakness is popcorn and I can easily put away a whole bag of it. That doesn't make her a bad person. In fact, I love that she does indeed have a weakness. And I can certainly relate to depression!
    With lots of hugs and I love you's,
    You partner in crime! Paulette
