Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Small Stuff

OK so I haven't blogged in four months but that doesn't mean I have forgotten to be grateful every day.  My gratitude meter is set on HIGH and isn't it funny? It's the small things that help push it higher.

My godson Scott and his wife Victoria are coming to my Bat Mitzvah! Not only that, our dear old friends David and Jean are coming as well! What wonderful memories we will make! Can you tell I'm excited?? (!!!!)

Friends Rita and Jerry have convinced us to go on yet another cruise in December (they really didn't have to push too hard) even though I said we were through cruising for at least five years.

We will close the year's finances slightly ahead, no small feat what with the rocky stock market and our many cruises this year.

I have a beautiful new dress for my Bat Mitzvah. From Chicos! Not from a thrift shop or discount outlet! First time I've done that in 30+ years (and I still have that dress).

The horrible tooth that has been the bane of my existence for a year and a half may finally be fixed, thanks to more endo-dontistry (a new word).

Tyrant, a great show, has been renewed for a third season and will start again on Wednesday.

We are still happy and very thankfully, healthy, and love our lives here in "The Bubble" that is The Villages.


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