Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

I saw the "Americanized" version of the Swedish movie adaptation of the book by the late* Swedish author Stieg Larsson.  I'm a little miffed that TPTB decided that "Americanizing" meant giving the heroine a slightly softer, more vulnerable side that I'm sure the author never envisioned. Lisbeth asking "permission" to kill the serial rapist torturer murderer? Thoughtfully buying an expensive present for her lover? Looking forlorn when she sees him with another woman? I think not.

There is of course nothing wrong with those qualities and indeed most women have them. I certainly do! But not Lisbeth Salander.

I must admit, I prefer the original version, subtitles and all.

* a heart attack at 50.  Who knows what great things his later years might have produced?

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